This report is generated based on the sales of your products in the Invoice tab. In this section, you can view all the data related to gross sales, discounts, and net sales for every customer that buys from you.
To generate the sales by contact report:
- Go to the Report tab on the sidebar menu.
- Click on the Sales by Contact on the sales section
- Change the date by selecting the date you preferred, either a date or a date range, to generate that particular report.
- If you select the Detail tab, you will see the invoice's document number, document date, quantity, gross sales, discounts, net sales for every customer.
5. Under "Detail" tab Hover your cursor at the first row and click on the drop-down arrow:
- Select View: To have an overview of the amount related to the sales document for each customer.
- Select Share: To send out the details of the documents via the link, embed link or snapshots.
- Select More: To export the file as CSV or copy the panel JSON to clipboard.

In the sales by contact's summary report, users are allowed to export the report in a pdf file. To "Export PDF" or "Export Excel", click on the arrow at the top right corner of the page. The PDF file or Excel file will be uploaded to your desktop or laptop.