Quickly access your profile by tapping on the user profile icon at the bottom right of the screen.

You will be directed to your Deskera App user profile, where you'll be able to view all your account-related information.
Under My Organisations, you can view the organization of which you are an owner or a member/Admin. When you tap on Add + icon, you will be able to create your organization straightaway.
In the Account Information section, you'll be able to view the registered mobile number of your device during the initial setup with the Deskera App. The number will be used to receive relevant notifications when you start using the application.
Language Preference
You will also be able to set your Language preferences (English,Hindi,Marathi,Punjabi,Chinese,Indonesia,Malay or Filipino) of how you wish to receive and view notifications from your Deskera app whenever business modules have been activated.

Merge Account
You can also use your other account to the current logged in account by clicking on the Merge account Button. Enter you other account email address or registered mobile number>> click on merger account>>OTP will be sent to your registered email address/mobile umber for account verification>> enter the OTP>>click on Verify & Merge>>account merged
If you are experiencing any difficulties in managing your Deskera App profile or wish to send your feedback on the Deskera App, please tap on the email address link care@deskera.com, and you'll be able to send an email to the Deskera App mobile team.
Sign Out

If you wish to sign out from the Desk Mobile App, you can do so by clicking on the user profile icon and you will be directed to your Deskera App user profile where you can see the Sign out option available on the top right side of the screen,