An employee is entitled to a range of leave benefits, whether he/she is permanent or casual employee.
Below mentioned are few leave type an employee is entitled to,
- Annual Leave
- Sick Leave
- Earned Leave
- Medical Leave
- Maternity Leave
- Casual Leave, etc.
Deskera People has rolled out a feature where you can add your own leave type and implement these leave entitlement to your employees.
In the previous article you have read how to create a new leave type entitlement in the system.
Now let us see, how to implement these leave types for employees with below mentioned simple steps,
- Under eleave dashboard>>click on Leave Entitlement>>where you can see the list of employees with different leave entitlements assigned,

2. If you want to make any further changes in the leave entitlement for any employees, you can do it by clicking on the employee and a below edit leave entitlement window will appear for that selected employee,

Here you can on view the employee, Earned, carry forward, Taken, and Adjusted leaves updates.
You have an option to only make the changes in the Balance Box rest remaining fields are non editable.
Lastly, click on the save button and the changes will be updated in the system.