20+ Ways Businesses Can Build & Improve Customer Loyalty

20+ Ways Businesses Can Build & Improve Customer Loyalty

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If you are a business owner who wants to enjoy a huge customer base that not only visits your store but also keeps coming back, you may want to know more about customer loyalty. The term - Customer Loyalty - showcases the fact that the customers are now emotionally attached to your brand and want to repeatedly engage themselves with the business.

Customer Loyalty

We learn more about Customer Loyalty and the following points in this article:

  • Importance of customer loyalty
  • Understanding the term with an example
  • How to gain and identify customer loyalty?
  • Types of customer loyalty
  • Learn more about the customer loyalty program
  • 7 Ways to earn customer loyalty
  • We shall also look at the ways to measure the customer loyalty
  • Finally, we also learn about the best loyalty program

What is Customer Loyalty?

Customer loyalty is a metric to measure the willingness of a customer to maintain business repeatedly with a company or brand. It indicates that the customers are happy and satisfied. It is a result of a good customer experience that they had while dealing with the company.

If a client is loyal to a given brand, they would be ready to spend more for the said quality of the product or service which they know and love. Other attributes of a loyal customer include the following:

  • Is willing to refer the particular brand to his family and friends
  • not actively looking for a different service provider
  • They will positively look for new products and services from the same brand that they trusted.
  • In case of issues and problems with the product, they trust the brand to fix it and resolve the issues.
  • They always offer feedback to help the brand improve its services and products

Why is Customer Loyalty Important?

A brand needs an extensive marketing network as customer loyalty is crucial irrespective of the size of a firm. New customers are more difficult to persuade since they lack familiarity with a company's services or products. A good marketing strategy can help introduce the product to the customers. On the other hand, clients who have already purchased from a given retailer don’t need persuasion, since they know exactly what to expect.

Here are some reasons why loyalty to customers is vital:

Improved Planning due to customer loyalty

Customer loyalty enables companies to more successfully foresee growth, helping to plan finances. Marketing departments can uncover dedicated clients who can therefore make advance budget selections easier.

Holidays mean more visits and purchases by customers

Holiday season calls for merrier times and that’s when people tend to shop more. This is also when the loyal customers turn in to make purchases from their favorite brand and bring more business.

Why is customer loyalty Important?

Engaged Customers shop often and at regular intervals

The loyal customers have strong brand experience, and therefore, are more likely to return. Furthermore, they are increasingly likely to make future purchases as more transactions take place.

Higher Conversion rates through loyal customers

A regular customer's average conversion rate is about 70%, while a new customer may only offer about 15% to 20%. In this way, the existing customers are much better than new ones when it comes to conversion rates.

Customer loyalty enhances profits

As a business owner, you need to ensure a sturdy customer base that is loyal t your brand, if you wish to enjoy better and growing profits.

Loyal customers spend more

The loyal customers who have been to your shop and have made purchases have a bond of trust with your brand; and therefore, they are more likely to make a lot more purchases than the new shoppers. The new visitor will take their time to get accustomed to and to trust your products.

What is an Example of Customer Loyalty?

Customer loyalty is beneficial as satisfied customers constantly pick brands that satisfy their requirements. Loyal customers only buy items or services from a company and are not interested in replacing a competing company with their favorites.

Loyalty derives from the persistent effort of a company to produce the same product at the same success rate each time. Companies offer great customer experience, which seeks to preserve their existing base by increasing client loyalty. They typically offer loyalty programs as a statement of gratitude for repeated business with loyal clients.

We shall understand customer loyalty through an example.

Let’s take the case of Starbucks which is built on the idea to establish a worldwide successful, identifiable brand. It aims to increase customer experience at the same success rate each time. In addition to retaining its clients, the company has been able to expand its customer base through an exceptional loyalty program. The corporation also offers a consumer loyalty program called My Starbucks Rewards.


The Loyalty Program of Starbucks includes a mobile app that enables users to use built-in payments to pay for their coffee. This allows customers to conveniently and quickly pay for their coffee while lowering credit card use. In turn, Starbucks offsets you with discounts and loyalty points.

The company has to make efforts to earn loyalty from its customers. Loyalty is the prime factor that enhances profits and brings in more business from the customers. Customer loyalty, therefore, motivates clients to routinely shop specific brands, make more purchases and also advertise the brand among their social circle.

20 Ways You Can Gain Customer Loyalty

As most marketers have at some time experienced, attracting customers may be easy but customer retention is totally a different ball game. Enhancing client loyalty ought to be a priority, or those consumers that you fought so hard to persuade could go without ever knowing what happened.

We have put together 20 techniques to help you improve client loyalty for your organization.

#1 Providing Excellent Customer Service

First of all, listen to clients and deal with their complaints promptly. Make contacting a salesperson easy for customers. Show an email address, telephone and social media account clearly. Providing proactive customer service generates long-term clients, prevents bad reviews, and distinguishes you from the competitors.

#2 Maintaining transparency

Things may not go as planned always. Be honest with your clients about the wrong information instead of concealing the situation. Big organizations have had violations of security in their business, but were swift in providing updates of their concerns. The company informed its consumers of the situation and addresses them as well.

#3 Remain connected through Email

You can always request the customers for email addresses once orders have been completed. This enables you to follow a sale, your clients can update or follow up on fresh product information. You may also use this information to increase client satisfaction. You can start with amazing email marketing campaigns to remain connected with your customers.

#4 Utilize Social media to spread the word

Social media these days is one of the most effective ways to inform people and prospective customers about your brand and the products. Also, social proof and social selling are great ways to attract customers and let them know about the credibility of your products. You can have an expert’s comments or include a celebrity to endorse the products. You can also provide substantial information through the reviews and ratings of the previous customers.

#5 Surpassing Expectations

When your customer expects to receive a call back in 24 hours for an issue, then you need to ensure that your team gets in touch with them within 6 hours. This way you can exceed their expectations and also guarantee the customer’s happiness and possibly build a long-lasting relationship with them.

#6 Don't disregard established clients

Help ensure your service or product does not decrease with time to avoid detracting your devoted clients. When you try to contact new clients, it is tremendously simple to ignore your present consumers.

#7 Divulge details when errors occur

Errors and customers can discuss their experience with their business on multiple channels. If you are called on anything that was your responsibility, don't be indignant or upset. Assume accountability and tackle the problem, and use these platforms to earn the customers' trust.

#8 Hire the right people

Employees become a part of the culture and like to convey their enthusiasm to friends, families, and clients. Make sure your staff has the right training and tools to improve their customer relationships. Employees are crucial for client loyalty improvements.

#9 Personalize communication

Customers love your personalized remarks since they might help to develop an emotional connection. Through personalized emails, you can send them a birthday message or a voucher on the anniversary, which helps to strengthen the bond with the brand.

20 Ways to Gain Customer Loyalty
20 Ways to Gain Customer Loyalty

#10 Be Professional

You should become a renowned and trusted specialist in your field if you want to attract and retain clients by employing expert knowledge and by sharing your expertise on question/answer websites and publishing blog entries. For example, when you buy a new gadget you may face issues with it or have queries about it. You would want the owner to address them swiftly for you. The same goes for your customers; addressing their concerns upfront will ensure increased trust between the two parties.

#11 Choose the right words to motivate buyers

Whether it is the subject line of your email, titles on your blogs, or CTA to address your customers; choosing the right words will certainly give you an edge to engage your customers in a better way. Understanding your customer's psychology will aid your chances of conversion manifold.

#12 Discounts, concessions, and incentives

It’s all about giving your customers a reason to come back and shop. Whether they are new customers or the existing ones, offering them discounts on purchases or some sort of incentive can be a motivating factor for them to return to the shop.

#13 Request Feedback

Ask for feedback from customers via an email survey or an online survey of your website whenever a sale is completed. This can help you understand to make the appropriate modifications to make your clients more satisfied. Also helps you get an insight into their likes and dislikes more profoundly.

#14 Be trustworthy

If you modify something or your business because of unpredictable changes, make it known and transparent to your customers. Make sure that you can maintain the promise of live customer assistance 24/7. Gain a reputation for coherence and reliability. This means that when you promise delivery within 48 hours of the purchase, you must ensure that delivery takes place within that period.

#15 Active interaction with customers

This ensures that your present clients are satisfied since you take the time to listen or hear their experiences. You may also ask them to share their testimonials and case study experiences. It might serve numerous objectives to talk with your consumers. You can discover what made them make the first purchase. This material may be used to prepare integrated content and marketing strategies.

#16 Make your consumers' lives easy

While making more sales is one of the aspects of your business, you should also be attentive towards making it easy for your customers to do business with you. When you are carrying out marketing for your products, you need to make the process more organic to reach out to your customer. For example, make and share DIY videos for them so that they can easily understand and learn about the products.

#17 Consider Problems as a part of business

You should have strategies for deploying anticipatory services instead of hurrying to deal with and rectify this situation. Problems do arise in a business, but expecting the problems can help you prepare better for a disaster.

#18 Flexibility goes a long way

Although policies are vital, you must also realize that every consumer has its circumstances and challenges. For example, you have a 7-day return policy and a customer couldn’t follow the return policy due to bad weather. If you gauge the situation, you could attract customer loyalty by simply making an exception to your 7-day return policy and accepting the returns.

#19 Utilize Automation

After buying a product or service, you can provide new clients an in-depth tutorial by e-mail. This answers not just all your inquiries but also some of your customer service representatives. Automation is useful since it can save you time and keep your customers in the loop.

#20 Offering a Loyalty program

An effective loyalty program is one in which you move beyond the regular program and offer other benefits. Introduce Point System where customers earn points with every purchase. Offer VIP special services and charge for it, like the prime memberships from Amazon. You may also introduce games that make the process interesting.

How do you Identify Customer Loyalty?

We shall present 9 crucial pieces of evidence or signs through which you can identify customer loyalty.

Cost is not a problem

You know you have a highly loyal customer if they are dealing with you and never mention the cost as an issue. Most of the time, these customers are impressed by the quality of your service and the standards you have maintained while carrying out the business.

Identify Loyal Customers
Identify Loyal Customers

They provide reviews and testimonials

Don't be hesitant to request reviews or testimonials. Ask them one way or another for their sincere opinions and they are happy to share. While most customers who repeatedly purchase from your shop, will themselves offer reviews and testimonials, requesting them to provide with the same can also work well for your business.

They are supportive of your products

Whether through social media or word of mouth, a loyal customer will always advocate your brand among their social groups and friends. The clear indicator you have a committed client is that they are beginning to advocate for you.

They invite you to other business events

You know you have loyal customers when they approach you to participate in their meetings or functions to discuss their industry with other professionals. This can be an excellent opportunity as you get to meet other people who can help you expand your business.

They come to you for Solutions

A loyal customer will always think of you in situations when they are looking for solutions to certain issues. They consider approaching you before anything else as they trust you with the solutions or ideas you may provide them with.

They relate to you

We experience a change in our thought process when we have experienced a positive outcome of our association with a company or a brand. Loyalty is increasing at that moment, and the prices of the purchasing decisions are less relevant. The essence of the business becomes inseparable as customers start treating it as a part of their lives.

Provide stringent feedback

Your loyal customers support you throughout your journey but they will also be the first to call you out on any shortcomings in your business. Whether it is related to the standards of products or the quality of your services or any other matter relating to the business; the loyal clients will always come forward to provide you the appropriate feedback. They provide us with comments to improve the connection when things become tough and not seek elsewhere.

What are the Types of Customer Loyalty?

Understanding the various loyal client categories and who you are dealing with will help you define and construct a better plan for creating loyal clients. Let’s understand why do they matter to your business.

Speaking of brand loyalty, we have different client segments. Every category has distinct features to assist you to understand potential customers and how you can end up winning them.

Some of them will most likely switch on to a competitor who offers a better deal, even if the price is the same. Let's look at the following categories:

Types of Customer Loyalty
Types of Customer Loyalty

Pleased and Satisfied customers

These consumers are the ones you think are happy. They seem satisfied and never complain about your services and products. However, there is a problem with this category of customers.

The concern with these clients is that for a perceived better offer they will very quickly purchase from your competitor. Although they genuinely buy from you and create a large quantity of income, they are just not there for a long time. They are just waiting for the next great offer.

Cost-Loyal customers

The next category is that of the customers that are loyal to the prices; this implies that they purchase from you because you are likely to offer the greatest deal. They are going to continue to investigate the next lower price, not be influenced by loyalty or brands. So, you can expect them to jump ships when a better deal is offered elsewhere. Moreover, they may come back to you if you offer a great price to them. They are, therefore, called cost-loyal customers.

Loyalty-loyal customers

These customers will maximize all discounts, offers, and privileges that your loyalty program gives as active members. They are fundamentally not loyal to your brand or you; in fact, they are more attracted to the loyalty programs offered. An example here could be that of the airlines. The customers will travel through the airlines because they have the accumulated travel points.

Convenience seeking customers

These are the customers who purchase from you as you offer convenience to them. Comfort is their priority and they may not have an issue paying more. These clients purchase from you because it is convenient. This can for example be due to the convenient location of your shop or business. The best thing about these clients is that they could easily become loyal customers. All you need to do is simply improve your customer service. Letting them know that their feedback is important to your business is a great way to enhance customer service and engage loyal customers.

Loyal to Benefits customers

These customers are similar to your customers who are loyal to the loyalty programs you offer. They are neither attracted to your brand nor your company. They occasionally buy and will seldom come into contact with your company. Your revenues from them will not be great and will not be able to contribute significantly to your business.

Customers because ‘no other options’

These customers visit you and purchase from you not because they bond well with your brand or like it; but because they haven’t found a better alternative yet. As soon as they find an option for you, they may not think twice before switching loyalties. Such customers may leave anytime. A classic example could be of a person who goes to a coffee shop only because there is no other in his vicinity.

Genuinely Loyal customers

They frequently buy and contribute much to the income of your organization. They are the first to test and provide you with honest feedback if your firm presents new items or services.  They speak at length about their fantastic experiences while shopping with you. Moreover, they may bring new consumers in. These are the ones who register for your loyalty program

What is a Customer Loyalty Program?

A loyalty program for customers is by definition a marketing strategy that identifies and rewards customers who buy or deal often with a company. An enterprise can provide points or benefits while upgrading customers can buy additional loyalty. Such incentives and certain advantages often make the customer more regular or ideal - a brand promoter. Profits can include free things such as early access to new products, awards, vouchers, and insider benefits.

Research has shown that 91% of customers are more likely to buy more frequently when they rely on a company.

Here are some reasons why customer loyalty programs are essential to your business:

Enhance Customer Retention

Customers, these days, not only make price choices but also share your values, commitment, and their complete brand experience with their friends and family. A good loyalty program will help you retain existing customers and manage future customer retention.

More references to customers

Your customers will inform their peers, colleagues, and family if they love the benefits of your Customer Loyalty program. So, the program also increases your chances of being referred more frequently.


Retaining the existing happy customers is a very inexpensive way to generating revenue. It is also more cost-efficient as compared to engaging new customers. Offering a good loyalty program can, thus, help you save a lot of money by maintaining a good rapport with the existing customers.

Publishing User Experience

You can help your happy clients publish their honest feedback on the various platforms with which you can facilitate them. This helps create a better brand image for your business and simplifies the process of acquiring new clients.

Top 7 Ways To Build Customer Loyalty

Companies must build a devoted consumer base to stay afloat and boost their brand growth. In particular, the value of client loyalty activities cannot now be underlined.

And it is crucial to pursue the proper route, with a commitment to deliver on your customers' expectations and your company's ideals. You have to build trust among your customers so that, even as the market falls and runs with time, they continue supporting your company.

We shall now discuss the top 7 ways to build customer loyalty:

Ways to Build Customer Loyalty
Ways to Build Customer Loyalty

#1 Convey Your core values

Sit down with your team and develop a marketing plan that describes what distinguishes your brand, your goal, and how your values fit into the key beliefs of your customers. You should realize and figure out the component of your brand that is deserving of your client loyalty before you boost consumer loyalty. Your promotion should concentrate specifically on those brand traits which are distinctive from the other brands available in the market. You must define your values clearly and communicate effectively.

#2 Enable your fan-base to spread the message

This is probably a very satisfied small set of clients, particularly if you are just starting out, but it is crucial for you to realize who and why you are connected to your brand. You can locate your fan base, the most fervent fans of your brand after you grasp your values. Those are your clients, who mention you on various social media platforms, who mark you in their Instagram stories, and also communicate how much they love your product or service to their friends.

As a business owner, it's your responsibility to find them so that more people can know about your brand.

#3 Offering Remarkable Customer Service

You have all the information you need regarding the method in which your consumers engage with you, from the moment they first land on your website to when they phone and ask for assistance from your customer service team. You want to offer the greatest possible experience for new and existing consumers.

People, especially in customer service, have high expectations. A survey performed with Dimensional Research indicated that 89% felt that it is necessary to respond quickly to an initial inquiry to find out who to buy. In addition, nearly half of consumers indicate that after only one terrible service encounter they would move to a competitor brand, and this is not difficult.

89 percent of people consider it crucial to respond quickly to an initial inquiry when determining from where to shop. In conjunction with that almost half think that after only a negative service encounter, they are going to switch to a competitive brand. Therefore, customer service can be an extremely essential aspect of the loyalty program and building loyalty.

#4 Connect Closely

Establish a community forum to further develop your relationship with your customers; allowing the loyalists to connect with each other and with the brand. This could be a great way to share ideas and tricks for product optimization. They may also coordinate with community managers giving additional tools and support to further foster relationships. You should reap the benefits of these natural conversations taking place on social media.

Community groups such as creating Facebook groups can aid in involving the young and energetic fans of the brand. These groups can also provide you the essential feedback and reviews along with suggestions to improve.

#5 Offer Gratitude with Loyalty Program

By offering a sort of prize for your clients, you are encouraging them to purchase and to return. Faithfulness initiatives such as this assist your consumers to feel cherished and valued and to provide essential customer data to improve their experience. You may even consider building your loyalty program for customers. It helps to encourage re-purchases with special offers, discounts, or discounts to promote customer loyalty. You should also work towards serving your clients by generating a positive client experience and living according to your corporate principles. These efforts can together make repeated clients loyal to the brand.

#6 Ask for Feedbacks

You can get informal feedback from your support staff to highlight how customers answer or typical problems with their queries. You can check social networking activities or study internet reviews in addition to surveys. Customer satisfaction surveys or the CSAT are widely used and show your clients how happy they are with the assistance they are receiving.

Besides, you may also ask your clients for input if you need to find techniques for building customer loyalty. Plus, do not be scared to get a negative review. Such reviews help create a better brand and improve the current services and facilities. Taking client feedback seriously demonstrates that you understand them and are devoted to a positive experience for customers. All these factors can contribute to greater satisfaction and loyalty.

#7 Keep Upgrading the UX

The globe is continually changing, thus your brand identity and values should be checked often. You can also upgrade your messages or establish tactics for interaction for many audiences as new people join your group. Although your ideals should not substantially shift, your position should correspond to the atmosphere of the moment. This is a constant evolution and improvement process to increase client loyalty.

Be careful with client complaints, because they are indications of the customer’s thought processes. The behavior of customers may change abruptly and you need to prepare for that beforehand. It takes countless efforts and immense patience to build trust to maintain this bond. Loyalty and retention must be earned. Building loyalty to customers concerns building relationships. Seek for your client experience to enhance customer loyalty and do everything they can to make the lives of your clients easier.

7 Ways Your Business Can Improve Customer Loyalty

One of the foundations of an enterprise’s success should be loyalty programs. From the recent researches, the loyalty programs members create significant growth in sales between 12 and 18 percent annually compared to non-members." However, not every loyalty program is the same. Skills and tactics such as customization influence how successfully you can unleash your loyalty program's earnings.

Let’s look at the 7 ways you can improve customer loyalty:

Ways to Improve Customer loyalty
Ways to Improve Customer loyalty

#1 Offering personalization to your program

It is learned that if a company offers a personalized experience, 80% of consumers are much likely to buy. However, how does that happen? Companies currently collect insights from their loyalty programs, but these insights are typically diverse and difficult to obtain. Customers today demand tailored experiences from their favorite businesses. For this purpose, marketers may offer special incentives that are specifically personalized to their clients utilizing artificial intelligence technology.

#2 Let your customers choose their reward

By questioning your consumers about their interests, you boost the efficiency and intelligence of your programs while providing your customers with the high level of touch that they seek. Allow your customers to express their tastes. This is important because customers enjoy options. According to studies, 82 percent found the choice of incentive enticing.

#3 Align your loyalty rewards with customer expectations

Increase client loyalty through benefits that suit the specific interests of the customer. For a long time, loyalty offers are limited to money, numbers, and occasionally tiered compensation schemes. This single-dimensional approach to rewarding, while effective, hinders your potential to build personal relationships with your consumers.

An example can be of a hotel that offers rewards in form of additional spa visits, room upgrades, or prolonged relaxation massage treatments. A customer who is in a rush and will soon check out does not are about a minor discount. He would rather appreciate it if the hotel offered them a priority reservation.

#4 Promote activities other than purchases using loyalty rewards

Loyalty schemes for operational purposes can be used to encourage customers in many ways, such as exploring new product features or referring to a friend. Although the most typical usage to promote a purchase is loyalty awards, they could be used for encouraging many other activities.

Taking the example of a supermarket where the arrival of customers after closing-time could prove expensive. It also needs a greater workforce, besides offering a terrible experience for customers. By offering additional benefits to these customers, the supermarket owners can resolve this issue.

#5 Learn consumer behavior to determine future offers

Customer loyalty systems typically employ geolocation to trigger the provision of prizes. For instance, you'll get alerted to your app every time you're near a given eatery. But depending only on the geographical aspect of the app does not take time and day into consideration. Furthermore, client actions and preferences are not taken into account. If you are still offering the said benefits without considering the customer’s mood and inclination, then your offerings are likely to go in vain.

#6 Consistent testing of benefits offered

Do not rely only on one loyalty benefit. You may want to have multiple options to offer so that if one loses its charm, the other might come in handy. It is also essential to understand that there is nothing like one-size-fits-all and therefore, be agile to offer a variety of stuff to a diverse clientele.

#7 Scale Back Continuously

Aligning the process with the various aspects of business like the artistic, administrative, and technical can ensure that offers are made and provided without breaks. Moreover, if there is something manual and time-consuming, it can be automated.

Prepare a template of your offers so that you do not spend too much time creating offers every year. Keep testing your offers with a particular channel or product before being deployed to a large range of customers.

Consequently, marketing is not just about buying customers, but also about keeping your major fans alive. And the greatest method is through loyalty programs to enhance client loyalty.

How to Measure Customer Loyalty?

Here, we learn about the top 5 parameters to measure customer loyalty.

Measure Customer Loyalty
Measure Customer Loyalty

Net Promoter Score

Also known as NPS, is broadly applied in all types of enterprises to monitor the marketing strategy, customer service, and customer happiness. Being a well-known phenomenon, it is understood by people. It also provides knowledge of what a good score is. Questions like, “ How likely are you to suggest us to your friends?”, make it easy and convenient for people. Tracking NPS helps you to determine how loyal your consumer base is.

Repurchasing Levels

By monitoring how many new customers vs. repeated customers have changed over time, you may see how the retention rate is increasing and falling. Instead of absolute numbers, it is vital to measure these values as part of the total. Subsequently, an overall sales increase or decrease could produce ambiguous findings.

Attachment with Your brand

The commitment of the brand and its products can reflect enthusiasm, and also implies that the customer believes that it is listened to and appreciated for their commitment. Engagement together with other loyalty metrics can be useful to build the picture as a whole as not all repeat customers will write a review and engage well.

Customer Loyalty Index

Similar to NPS, it helps measure loyalty. However, it includes recurrent purchases and multiple purchases. Measurement and comparison of the results of customer intent during the customer's life might help you create a better picture.

Several Purchases of Products

A repeated buyer who purchases several things may have confidence in your entire firm. When you look at buyback levels, watch how many of these consumers simultaneously broaden their buying range. Anyone who frequently purchases a single product over time will be good news for your customer loyalty and retention possibilities. But if you are prepared to connect with other products in your range, it could be even better for a returning consumer.

Customer Loyalty Examples

To understand how large organizations work with the aspect of customer retention and customer loyalty, let’s look at some of the best examples in the market.

Virgin Atlantic Flying Club

Making and using kilometers for international travel is one that every airline performs as a loyalty program. Virgin Atlantic has developed a loyalty option that enables members to earn level points in its Flying Club. There are three levels of loyalty - Red Club, Silver Club, and Gold Club, each offering the most loyal consumers a variety of advantages.

They provide a thorough understanding of advantages to ensure their consumers are aware of the particular demands and benefits for each level. The major reason for such a program of loyalty is naturally to make the customer use your services through early benefits.

Amazon prime
Amazon prime

Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime is a special membership from Amazon that delivers a wide variety of advantages. Its regular purchasers can avail of multiple benefits including 2-day delivery for a large variety of products.

Accompanied by a growing frequency of shopping, average Prime members spend about $1,500 a year, in comparison to $625 spent by non-Prime members. This way, Amazon compensates for the alleged $2 billion loss per year.

Additional Tips to Increase Customer Loyalty

57% of small business owners feel that it is loyalty that plays a huge role in maintaining a relationship with their customers.

Let’s peep into some additional tips and tricks to increase customer loyalty.

Prioritize Customer Service

If a consumer waits or tries to connect over social media with an inquiry or contacts a staff member to select the right gift in your shop, this implies they trust you with your service. For devoted clients, it is a requirement to offer wonderful customer service. Any interaction with your team is assessed by a consumer and judged your service. Also, this implies that your in-store employees must be polite, helpful, and efficient to handle problems on time.

Ask for Suggestions and Implement them

Every company should strive to gather and listen to client input. It's a terrific method to demonstrate to customers that you not only hear but actively act on their feedback.

Offer simplicity and conveniences

Consider how to simplify or speed up your consumer experience. Work on simplifying your checkout procedure for ease of use and answer social media inquiries. This adds a personal touch to your relationship with your customers.

Don’t just focus on Money

Businesses are about money. However, focusing only on the monetary aspect will not let your customers stay with you for long. Consider organizing a customer gratitude event, send them links to informative items on your blog. or display a social cause undertaken by you in your regular column. The aim is to be in touch consistently with your customers, without asking for money upfront.

What's the Best Loyalty Program?

It is completely worthwhile to look at and learn from the best loyalty programs followed across the industries. We can glance through the following points to understand what makes them stand apart and become a success with their customers.

Customer Loyalty programs
Customer Loyalty programs

Creating groups or communities following the brand

Create a brand community that instills a sense of inclusiveness in the customers. Making the customers feel belonged and letting them identify with the idea of the brand can lead to a long-lasting relationship with them.

Collecting Credentials for further communication

Always make it a point to note down customer’s mail addresses and other ways to communicate with them. This helps to connect with them and update them about the latest trends in your business.

Rewarding Customers

You shall observe that the customers who are appropriately rewarded are less likely to move on with another competitor.

Loyalty Programs imply more purchasing

Customers or members who have signed up for a loyalty program are more likely to make bigger purchases as compared to non-members. So, investing time and effort in encouraging customers to a loyalty program can prove to be very beneficial in the long run.

Let Deskera Help You with CRM

Utilizing Deskera’s CRM- a basic platform that is completely functional may help you with the management of contacts and dealings, sales pipelines, online email marketing campaigns, to mention a few. By developing email campaigns and performing extensive rates analysis and throughput rates, you may create leads for your company (CTR).

Deskera CRM
Deskera CRM

Learn about customer experience, ways to utilize customer feedback, methods to provide proactive customer service, and also get to know more about customer service metrics.

Apart from these, you may also want to learn about creating brand awareness, email marketing templates, some of the best email automation tools, and an email marketing software that makes your life easy.

Key Takeaways

It’s a wrap with the following key points from the article:

  • Customer loyalty is a metric of the willingness of a customer to maintain business repeatedly with a company or brand.
  • Improved Planning due to customer loyalty and higher conversion rates are some of the reasons why customer loyalty is important to businesses.
  • Offering excellent customer service, maintaining transparency, and surpassing customer expectations are efficient ways to gain customer loyalty.
  • Loyal customers do not have a problem with the cost of the product and often provide support in the form of reviews and feedback.
  • A loyalty program for customers is by definition a marketing strategy that identifies and rewards customers who buy or deal often with a company.
  • Conveying core values, upgrading UX, and requesting feedbacks are some typical ways to build customer loyalty.
  • Net Promoter score, repurchasing levels, attachment with the brand, customer loyalty index, and multiple purchases are means to measure customer loyalty
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In this age of globalization, marketing and digitization takes many forms. It iswell known that email marketing is the king of marketing. With email marketing,you earn $40 for every $1 spent, consequently giving an impressive ROI of 4000%. For this reason, email marketing technology is used by 82…
Understanding The Email Marketing Funnel
Every business owner fantasizes about acquiring and getting more customers everyday and focuses on keeping them around for as long as possible. Sometimes thecustomers lose interest during their buying journey or get lost in the process.An email marketing funnel works as a rail track by getting yo…
What is Voice of Customer?
What is the difference between successful and unsuccessful businesses? A successful business uses a Voice of the Customer (VoC) analytics program tounderstand its customers. Firstly, they pay close attention to what theircustomers are saying. Second, they understand that business metrics like chu…

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