An Intro to Powerful Words to Add in Sales Vocabulary in Under 10 Minutes

An Intro to Powerful Words to Add in Sales Vocabulary in Under 10 Minutes

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Power Words are effective in sales vocabulary because they persuade and elicit a positive emotional response. If you utilize the right terms, your prospects will start to see the advantages of your product or service.

To put it another way, they make your prospects feel good and generate trust, both of which are essential for developing the relationships needed to close the sale.

Utilizing powerful sales words would help you to connect with your customers and your product or services. It gets salespeople to influence decisions, and if salespeople understand them, they can effectively drive prospects and convert leads into customers.

In this detailed guide, we will learn the top 8 sales words that you must use in your sales vocabulary. Here’s the list of those 8 sales words that we’ll cover:

  1. You
  2. Value
  3. Clarity
  4. Opportunity
  5. Benefit
  6. Trust
  7. Urgency
  8. Premium

8 Powerful Words that Optimize your Sales Vocabulary

Following is the list of 8 powerful words that optimize your sales vocabulary. Let’s learn them:

1. You

The word ‘You’ is the most powerful sales word when it comes to persuading your potential leads. It helps to define customers and channel your energy. Both these factors contribute to making the sales process customer-centric. Moreover, it guides them to correlate their objectives with your products or services. Furthermore, salespeople need to highlight the focus on ‘You’ and not ‘I.’

Emotions play a major role when it comes to persuading others— especially when it comes to potential customers. In that sense, the word ‘you’ elicits emotions in customers and compels them to take action with your product or services.

When you make the entire discussion about your customers, it offers them the idea that you are committed to making them a success. And, your product or services will benefit them.

As a salesperson, you need to help them visualize why that product or service is right for them and their business. Also, how you are focussed on your customers beating the other competitors. Remember that selling is all about your prospects and not about your organization. Give exactly what your customers need.

By emphasizing the word ‘you’, it offers them the attention they want to buy your product or service. As a result, make sure to use prospects as your subject rather than anything else.

2. Value

The term ‘Value’ defines the worth of your services or products. It needs to be clearly understood what exactly your potential customers care and want. And, you need to offer them exactly what they require which includes — objectives and value.

Moreover, customers hardly care what best features and benefits your product offers because your other competitors are selling the same or maybe better product. You need to tell your potential customers what sets you apart from your competitors and that is— value.

As previously said, make all services about them. Sync how your products or services provide high-level value to your potential customers.

Furthermore, avoid using the word ‘cheap’ for your services or products. No matter how much you try to persuade them with the word cheap, it will only backfire.

Suppose, you are selling a product A that is cheap. And someone selling product B with the same features and benefits at a higher price. It may lead your customers to assume that maybe your product A is of low-quality (even though if it is not).

Therefore, never define your products or services as cheap. It won’t work at all and also degrades your value. Eventually, allow customers to see your product’s higher value but by using the right terms for your products.

3. Clarity

Discussion with your customers needs to be simple and clear. Avoid using any heavy terms, adjectives, or foreign words. It may further push your customers away. If once they start losing interest in discussion, then you might lose that deal. Therefore, make sure to use simple words that offer clarity to potential customers.

Next, make sure to avoid using ‘As soon as possible (ASAP)’. It will only lead to uncertainty. Therefore, you need to offer a specific date and time to your customers. It will provide them with a deadline and space to think about their move.

Try to filter and target your customers by categorizing them in two sections— technical and non-technical. Further, prepare your sales pitch based on those two segments.

You need to observe and analyze your customers based on their knowledge and discuss the entire sales pitch depending on those factors. It will allow potential customers to stay on the same page and understand clearly.

4. Opportunity

The obvious question that arises is— why would anyone purchase your product or services?

So, the blunt answer would be— for opportunities and benefits. As a salesperson, you have to show your customers what they will obtain after becoming your customer. Everyone wants benefits as a positive outcome after investing time and energy in any area. Use this ‘opportunity’ sales word tactic on your potential customers.

It will offer them an overview of why they should invest in your products or services. Further, make sure to tell them why those opportunities are worth it for them or their organization.

The best way to achieve it is through stories. Everyone loves stories and especially those that they could relate to. So, tell them the success stories of your previous customers. It will help them to persuade easily.

Pro tip: Avoid using the word ‘Problem’ as it will push them back. Continuously telling them about their challenges and problems would baffle them and they might end up losing interest in your products or services.

5. Benefit

The key point for any successful sales pitch is to— start your sales pitch with benefits. Instead of focusing on specifications, you need to focus on benefits associated with your products or services. Make sure to learn and research all aspects of pain points and challenges of your customers before making the sales pitch.

You can only provide solutions to them if you know what they are struggling with. In case, you are not aware of their pain points and challenges— you can directly have a discussion with them. Analyze their situation and then filter out the solutions that would work best for them.

Also, note that you need to clear all elements beforehand, and should not wait for customers to ask you questions. However, you have to offer a pause in the middle or end part of the discussion and allow customers to ask their doubts. It will further help you to stay on the same page as your potential customers.

In addition, you have to be strategic when using the term ‘benefit.’ Avoid using the word too much or else your customer will easily understand your technique and break off the discussion.

6. Trust

You won’t be able to seal the deal without building strong trust with your potential customers. Therefore, it is highly crucial to have a strong foundation with your customers so that you can successfully persuade them.

The sales word— ‘Trust’ helps you to focus on your customers. Furthermore, salespeople need to have a problem-solving mentality. In addition, they need to choose their sales words wisely. As stated previously, avoid using any high or technical words during sales pitching.

7. Urgency

The best strategy to woo your customers is to create— urgency. Make sure to include and utilize this word in your sales vocabulary. Everyone fears being left out. This psychology would help you to grab the deal. Further, a scarcity strategy would be helpful to persuade your customer to take action immediately.

Nevertheless, FOMO (fear of missing out) compels customers to quickly take action and say yes to your deal.

Although, you have to be strategic when using the FOMO concept as it might backfire as well. Therefore, make sure to use it in the right manner.

8. Premium

Customers tend to incline towards the concept of high quality and high esteem. The sales word ‘Premium’ works as a powerful motivator when it comes to persuading your potential customers. Moreover, it refines and compels your sales pitch that leads to high returns.

Interestingly, the sales word ‘Premium’ creates an impression in your customers that your product or services are special and also better than your competitors. All these elements spur interest in your customers and persuade them to take action for the next step.

How Can Deskera CRM Help You With Your Sales?

With Deskera CRM Plus as your partner, you can be sure of covering multiple sales aspects under one roof. From managing the sales pipeline, deal management, to activity management and knowledge base management, the software lets you keep a track of all the prominent elements.

If you are looking for a tool that enables you to get a complete overview of all the stages of your pipeline, then Deskera CRM is what you need. Simply drag and drop the deals to update your pipeline stages.

In addition to this, maintaining holistic contact management is now a breeze. All you need to do is signup for the free trial today. You can now view all the contact information, notes, communication history, and also the open and close deals, with Deskera CRM by your side.

Moreover, as a part of the software, you can also drive automatic email marketing campaigns. This task is made easier with the templates that are integral to the CRM software. As an added advantage, you can also create your own landing pages.

What’s more! As a sales manager, you may also be required to assess the financial KPIs, retail KPIs, and so on. Besides this, maintaining and monitoring the various financial statements such as balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements is now made simpler with Deskera CRM.

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Final Takeaways

We have summarized the important points from this detailed guide for your reference. Let’s check:

  • Power Words are effective in sales vocabulary because they persuade and elicit a positive emotional response.
  • Utilizing powerful sales words would help you to connect with your customers and your product or services.
  • The word ‘You’ is the most powerful sales word when it comes to persuading your potential leads. It helps to define customers and channel your energy.
  • Sync how your products or services provide high-level value to your potential customers.
  • Discussion with your customers needs to be simple and clear. Avoid using any heavy terms, adjectives, or foreign words.
  • The best way to achieve it is through stories. Everyone loves stories and especially those that they could relate to.
  • Instead of focusing on specifications, you need to focus on benefits associated with your products or services.
  • The sales word ‘Premium’ creates an impression in your customers that your product or services are special and also better than your competitors' strategy to woo your customers is to create— urgency
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