How to Write a Standout Resume?

How to Write a Standout Resume?

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Be it sales, marketing, finance, or any other domain, resumes are important as they can potentially decide the course of your future. A hiring manager will create a mental impression about you after going through your resume. Ensure your resume presents your qualifications accurately for the open position so you can make a positive first impression.

How to write a Stand out Resume?

The purpose of this article is to outline what a resume is and give suggestions on how to create one that will stand out.

What is a Resume?

A resume essentially is a document that presents the capabilities and qualifications of a candidate for a role in an organization. The resume helps the people in the organization to estimate the abilities and expertise of the candidate and helps them decide whether or not the candidate is apt for the role.

When there is so much significant information carried by a resume, it becomes crucial to present it in a way that entails all the details in a crisp and elaborate manner. Candidates applying for the job must understand the relevance of the resume and the outcomes that could be achieved from a good-looking resume. It is also essential to have a good grasp of the industry in which you work as well as the company to which you are applying so that your resume can be tailored accordingly.

How to Make a Resume that Stands Out?

When you plan to draft your resume, it could be a wise call to think from the perspective of the hirer or the employer. Apart from a detailed description of your academic and professional journey so far, your resume must also possess qualities that let the hiring manager understand more about you. It should include all the implementations that make it stand out from the rest. Actually, that is also how the hiring managers would want the resumes to be. They are more likely to shortlist and pick up a resume that is impressive and innovative, at the same time.

In the following section, we bring to you certain ways that help you make your resume stand out visually.

Understanding the hiring manager's expectations

This is the first step when you begin creating your resume. You must thoroughly research the company and read the job posting. Think carefully about the information that you will provide. You should include keywords related to the company culture and what you're expected to do in this role.

Make it relevant to your industry and the job you're applying for

In the second step, you must ensure that you have experience in your field of interest. It must demonstrate your qualifications. For the role of a journalist, the hiring manager would be more interested in knowing about your previous experience as a journalist than as a baker. Make sure you only include relevant positions that will help your future employer see that you are a good fit.

Provide a header and an objective

Recruiters have a tough job as they constantly have to sort through resumes on a daily basis. Hiring managers will notice your resume among others if you include a header and objective. Add your name to the very top of the header when adding one. Adjust the text to the appropriate font size and increase the font size if you deem it apt.

Here, you must also add your complete postal address, your contact number, along your email id. You must be mindful to add only the contact number which you would be reachable on.

Once you have compiled the header, write a short summary or objective right below your header. Summary, true to its name, must summarize your experience and expertise along with the skills. In your objective, you must explain your skill set and how it can add value to the company's business. A maximum of two sentences should suffice. The goal is to make sure hiring managers scan through your resume right away and discover more about you by adding one of these statements to the top.

Keep it Short and Sweet

While you may want to include a lot of other accomplishments through your previous academic and professional episodes, you must be mindful that adding everything from the beginning will make your resume too long. There are times when a resume may extend to two or more pages, but let's keep it as an exception.

Resumes are preferred if they carry short and sweet information which is easily comprehended by the hiring manager. So, cut short the long-form info and avoid providing redundant data.

Pay Attention to the Visual Appeal

Apart from the fine details and the content of your resume, there is a lot that rides on the visual appeal of your resume. If all your qualifications and hard-earned qualities are not portrayed impressively, then the entire exercise will go in vain. So, here are some ways in which you can achieve that:

Font Style, Size, and Color: To present your info effectively, you must incorporate professional-looking font styles. Times New Roman, Georgia are some of the styles you could consider or use a font generator if you are not sure. Opt for a font size that’s just right for a resume and helps elevate its visual value. You can choose black as a color unless you have opted for a theme that has colors other than black; additionally, if you are applying for a role that allows you to have colorful resumes, then you can look to add more colors apart from black in your resume.

Template: If you have chosen a resume template, ensure that it appeals aesthetically and showcases your information precisely instead of distracting the reader. There are various free resume templates available online which are easy to use. Choose the one that you think has a professional feel to it.

Include Relevant Skills for the Job

Include only the skills that are required for the position. The hiring manager may be seeking specific skills or requirements for the position. Mention any special courses or certifications, or scholarships that you may have accomplished through the journey. All the things that you mention should be in line with the requirement of the organization.

This would make your resume look crisp and to the point. It will help the hiring manager to assess your resume better without skipping any parts of it. Furthermore, by adding only the relevant skills, you are less likely to annoy the manager. Making irrelevant claims and mentions will be detrimental to the value your resume holds.

Always Add a Cover Letter

Although adding a cover letter is not mandatory, it is a good step to follow if you desire to stand out from the race. While you add it, make sure that you have the color schemes the same as that of the resume template.

Proofread and Verify Accuracy

This is the final step before you are ready to send your resume for the role. Ensure that you have done spell checks, punctuations, and have all the data written in a professional tone. You can quickly and easily check text for errors on the StudyCrumb platform. All you have to do is select the appropriate tool.
It is greatly important to have error-free language in your resume. It adds value along with putting a good first impression of you at the other end. You can take help from professional writers or request a friend or colleague to proofread it for you. It is an additional measure to ensure authenticity.

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Key Takeaways

Before we wrap up the article, let us walk around the important points discussed:

  • A resume essentially is a document that presents the capabilities and qualifications of a candidate for a role in an organization.
  • Candidates applying for the job must understand the relevance of the resume and the outcomes that could be achieved from a good-looking resume.
  • When you plan to draft your resume, it could be a wise call to think from the perspective of the hirer or the employer.
  • Understanding the hiring manager's expectations, providing a header and an objective, keeping it short and sweet, and visual appeal are some of the ways in which you can have an impressive resume. Besides these, you must include your relevant skills, add a cover letter and proofread it to eliminate any errors.
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