Deskera MRP

Work Order

Map your work orders with available finished goods and plan for an accurate production

Assess component availability, map work orders to available stock and plan for an accurate production. Link Sales Orders to Work Orders and continuously monitor resource availability for automatic restocking or reordering. Assign routing templates and codes to work orders and map it to different BOM codes.

Work Order

Create Work Order

Easily add new work order details such as work order name, product, BOM, work order ID, quantity, work center, machine(s), date of delivery, labor(s), work order type and work order status.

Check Component Availability

Check component availability for each work order via this feature. View required quantity, ordered quantity, blocked quantity and available quantity. Create Purchase Order or Purchase Requisition via this feature.

Assign Checklist to Tasks

Define checklist against each task in a work order via this feature. You can map products to each task and subsequently, quality parameters will be automatically checked.

Create To Do List

Create To Do list and define whether a particular task is passed or failed via this feature. Assign values to check points as minimum passing value and value (out of 5).

Link Work Order to Sales Order/Sales Contract

Easily add new sales order details such as currency, sales order number, sales order date and credit term. Similarly, you can add customer, currency, contract ID, contact person, contract term, contract start date and contract end date. Work Order will be automatically linked to Sales Order or Sales Contract.

Create Job Work Order

Easily add new job work order details such as job work name, job work number, job work date, vendor, product, product quantity, date of shipment and date of delivery.

Deskera MRP Work Order module manages complete work order information such as work order name, work order ID, customer name, sales order, sales contract, quantity and more. Generate work orders for configured products directly from a sales order. Every work order has a BOM and a routing code, which determine the order’s product structure and routing.

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What our Customers Say About Us

Whatever your business
size, Deskera enables you to
simplify operations across
business functions. Here's
what our customers say
about us.

At GoDo, we understand that managing our finances and customer relationships is essential for our success. Deskera has provided us with an easy to use and intuitive platform that has enabled us to access our financial data, track customer relationships, and manage our finances with ease. We have been able to streamline our processes, better manage our finances, and stay on top of our customer relationships. We highly recommend Deskera to any business that is looking to stay organized and efficient.

Wesley Wright

CEO, GoDo Life

We are extremely pleased with our decision to switch to Deskera and have seen a significant improvement in our business operations since making the switch. The sales process was smooth from start to finish and customer support at every step of the implementation was stellar. Highly recommend Deskera to those looking for a great ERP solution.

Wally Mears

CEO, The Jungle

We implemented Deskera's integrated platform to improve our procurement and inventory management processes to streamline our operations and improve efficiencies. I highly recommend their platform to any company looking to accelerate their growth.

Scott Phetsalod

Laboratory Manager

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