Landed Cost of Inventory

Easily track and manage additional costs such as taxes, duties, and freight charges associated with the arrival of goods from outside sources. Consolidate all costs into a single unitary cost, allowing for better visibility and more accurate pricing decisions.

Track and calculate landed cost of your imports with ease, accurately predicting and factoring in additional costs like customs duty, taxes, storage, etc. Visualize the cost breakdown of each product to gain a better understanding of supply chain costs. Make informed decisions on pricing and maximize profits.

Landed Costs enables administrators to accurately account for the true cost of goods purchased. This feature allows administrators to factor in all associated costs associated with the purchase of goods, such as shipping, customs, taxes, and insurance, and then adds these costs to the cost of the goods to provide a more accurate representation of the total purchase cost. Administrators can also choose to apportion the landed cost to various departments or cost centres, providing further granularity and accuracy.

Utilize Deskera's landed cost feature to accurately capture all the costs associated with your pro duct Automatically calculate the total landed cost of your products, including taxes, duties, and other fees.Gain better visibility into your spending and ensure that your procurement costs are accurate.

Key Features of Landed Cost of Inventory
with Deskera ERP.

Calculate Accurate Landed Costs

Automatically factor in taxes, duties, and other associated costs to ensure accuracy

Streamline Cost Management

Reduce the manual effort required to manage landed costs and improve overall efficiency

Automate Supplier Invoices

Automate supplier invoice matching to quickly determine landed costs

Capture Cost Data

Store and analyze cost data for a better understanding of landed costs

Monitor Costs in Real-Time

Monitor landed costs in real-time to stay on top of changes

Optimize Cost Allocation

Optimize cost allocation to ensure maximum profitability

Track Cost History

Track and compare cost history for better forecasting and budgeting

Accommodate Multiple Tax Rates

Accommodate multiple tax rates across different countries and regions

Manage Payment Terms

Set-up and manage payment terms to ensure the best price

Generate Accurate Reports

Generate accurate reports on landed costs to inform strategic decisions

Run Your Business with Deskera

Deskera Landed Cost of Inventory