Performance Management

Set objectives and track progress towards goals, provide feedback to employees, and develop performance reviews to measure progress. Create personalized performance plans for each employee and review performance against goals regularly to ensure employees are meeting expectations.

Automate the tedious processes of goal setting, performance appraisals, and feedback with a robust performance management system. Gain access to actionable analytics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact of performance management initiatives. Streamline performance reviews with automated reminders and notifications to ensure timely completion. Equip managers with the necessary tools to provide consistent feedback, peer recognition, and rewards.

Automate tedious evaluation processes.

Create goals and track progress easily.

Promote employee engagement with feedback.

Key Features of Performance Management
with Deskera ERP.

Monitor Performance

Track employee performance to ensure the successful execution of business goals

Set Goals

Clearly define objectives and expectations to guide performance improvement and motivate employees

Evaluate Performance

Create assessments to measure progress and identify areas for improvement

Develop Plans

Create individualized action plans to help employees reach their goals

Provide Feedback

Offer constructive feedback to help employees develop and grow

Reward Success

Recognize superior performance with rewards and incentives

Measure Results

Utilize analytics to measure performance against goals and objectives

Track Trends

Monitor trends in performance to identify issues and areas of improvement

Improve Communications

Enhance communication between managers and employees to ensure clarity and alignment

Run Your Business with Deskera

Deskera Performance Management