What is ERP?

ERP is enterprise resource planning. ERP software integrates a company's core business processes, including finance, accounting, manufacturing, sales, and customer service.

What Is ERP?

What is an Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system?

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a comprehensive, integrated software solution that helps businesses record, manage and interpret data across different parts of the business. It is designed to automate and streamline business processes across finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, and other departments. ERP provides an integrated view of a business’ core business processes, like financial information, inventory, production planning, and keeps business owners updated about the status of work orders, payments, and material replenishments.

Deskera helps your teams do more with less

Drive more efficiency, reduce costs, and create a hyperconnected business by connecting people, data, and processes across your organization.

What does an ERP system include?

An ERP system like Deskera typically includes a database, enterprise application software, and software connectors that link the applications to each other and to the database. The applications in an ERP system share data and common functionality, which enables them to work together to support business processes.

The data captured in an ERP system is shared across multiple departments. This improves data visibility, while at the same time improving data uniformity. A business’ vendors, sales and marketing teams, and top level management all have access to the same information, leading to precise and accurate production planning and execution.

What is ERP integration?

ERP integration is the process of connecting an ERP system to other systems within the organization. This can be done using middleware, which is software that connects different applications. ERP integration can also be done using application programming interfaces (APIs). APIs allow different applications to share data and functionality.

ERP integration is important because it allows organizations to get the most out of their ERP system. By connecting an ERP system to other systems, organizations can automate their business processes and make them more efficient. ERP integration can also help organizations to improve their customer service and make better decisions.

Deskera offers integrations with multiple payment providers and banks, making it a robust and feature rich solution for businesses of all sizes.

Why is ERP Important?

Ten Benefits of ERP

Increased Efficiency:

An ERP system can help a company to become more efficient and organized. It can automate many of the manual processes that are currently being done by employees. This can free up employees' time so that they can focus on more important tasks.

Improved Customer Service:

ERP systems can help to improve customer service by providing employees with quick and easy access to customer information. This can allow employees to resolve customer issues more quickly and efficiently.

Reduced Costs:

An ERP system can help to reduce the costs of a company in several ways. It can automate processes which will reduce the need for employees. It can also help to reduce the need for paper and other office supplies.

Improved Decision Making:

An ERP system can provide managers with quick and easy access to information that is necessary for making decisions. This can help to improve the quality of decisions made by managers.

Increased Sales:

An ERP system can help to increase sales by providing employees with quick and easy access to information about products and services. This can help to improve customer service and increase the efficiency of sales processes.

Improved Cash Flow:

An ERP system can help to improve cash flow by providing managers with quick and easy access to financial information. This can help managers to make better decisions about where to allocate resources.

Reduced Inventory Levels:

An ERP system can help to reduce inventory levels by providing managers with quick and easy access to information about stock levels. This can help managers to make better decisions about when to order new products.

Improved Human Resources Management:

An ERP system can help to improve human resources management by providing managers with quick and easy access to employee information. This can help managers to make better decisions about employee training and development.

Increased Productivity:

An ERP system can help to increase productivity by providing employees with quick and easy access to the information and tools that they need to do their jobs. This can help employees to work more efficiently and effectively.

Improved competitiveness:

An ERP system can help to improve the competitiveness of a company by providing managers with quick and easy access to information about the company's products and services. This can help managers to make better decisions about marketing and sales strategies.

What are ERP examples in different industries?

ERP systems can be used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and logistics.


In the healthcare industry, ERP systems can be used to manage patient records, hospital resources, and medical supplies. ERP systems can help healthcare organizations keep track of patient data, schedule appointments, and manage billing and insurance claims.


In the manufacturing industry, ERP systems can be used to manage production processes, inventory levels, and quality control. ERP systems can help manufacturers keep track of production schedules, materials, and finished products. They can also help manufacturers track customer orders and manage customer relationships.


In the retail industry, ERP systems can be used to manage store operations, inventory levels, and customer data. ERP systems can help retailers keep track of product data, pricing, and promotions. They can also help retailers track customer orders, manage returns, and process payments.


In the logistics industry, ERP systems can be used to manage transportation, warehousing, and customer data. ERP systems can help logistics companies keep track of shipment data, route planning, and delivery schedules. They can also help logistics companies track customer orders, manage inventory, and process payments.

How do ERP systems work and what are the three main modules of ERP?

ERP software is usually delivered as a suite of modules, each of which covers a different area of the business. Common modules include finance, accounting, manufacturing, supply chain management, CRM and HR. Some ERP systems also include project management, quality management and compliance modules. Some ERP systems, like Deskera integrate all the above modules into a single platform.

ERP systems typically integrate with a company's existing back-office systems and databases, and are designed to provide a single, unified view of all the company's data. This can make it much easier for managers to make informed decisions, as they have all the information they need in one place.

How to choose the right ERP?

When choosing ERP software, there are a number of factors to consider, including the size of your business, your industry, and your specific business needs.

For small businesses, there are a number of cloud-based ERP solutions that are affordable and easy to implement. For larger businesses, or those with more complex needs, there are enterprise-level ERP solutions that can be customized to fit your business. Industry-specific ERP solutions are also available for businesses in sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, and retail.

To find the right ERP software for your business, start by identifying your specific needs and then compare different solutions to see which one best meets your requirements. It is also important to get input from employees who will be using the software on a daily basis, as they can provide valuable feedback on features, usability, and overall satisfaction. Here is a quick checklist to choosing the right ERP for your business:

Define what you need:

Before you start with your search for the ‘right ERP’, be sure of your requirements. Make a note of your existing processes and challenges to be sure of the solution you are looking for.

Be aware of all cost centers:

Question and dig deep to know pricing details. Be sure the sales representative you are talking to isn’t hiding any costs. Ask about implementation costs, hardware upgrades, backfilling your project team resources, software maintenance, etc.

Define an implementation plan:

Make sure your vendor shares a detailed plan for the entire implementation cycle. The implementation plan should include all aspects of getting the system ready – from defining business processes and workflows to data migration and training sessions.


Will the ERP system you like grow with your organization? Plan ahead and do not start planning for an upgrade just when you finish installing your new ERP software. That may be costly.

What are the 4 major phases of ERP implementation?

There are four major phases of ERP implementation: 1) business process improvement; 2) ERP software selection; 3) ERP software installation and customization; and 4) ERP system testing, training, and go-live

Phase 1) Business Process Improvement:

The first phase of ERP implementation is business process improvement. In this phase, organizations take a close look at their current business processes and identify areas where ERP can provide value. This phase includes process mapping, process redesign, and process improvement planning.

Phase 2) ERP Software Selection:

The second phase of ERP implementation is ERP software selection. In this phase, organizations evaluate different ERP software packages and select the one that best meets their needs. This phase includes software demonstrations, vendor comparisons, and RFP creation.

Phase 3) ERP Software Installation and Customization:

The third phase of ERP implementation is ERP software installation and customization. In this phase, the selected ERP software is installed and configured to meet the specific needs of the organization. This phase includes software installation, database configuration, and user interface customization. ERP software providers like Deskera usually offer this for free as part of the platform’s offering.

Phase 4) ERP System Testing, Training, and Go-Live:

The fourth and final phase of ERP implementation is ERP system testing, training, and go-live. In this phase, the ERP system is tested to ensure it is functioning properly. Training is also provided to users to ensure they are able to use the system properly. Once everything is up and running, the ERP system goes live.

What are the Three Types of ERP Deployment?

ERP deployment is the process of installing and configuring an ERP system for use. It can be done in-house by a company's own IT staff, or it can be outsourced to a third-party provider. There are three main types of ERP deployment: on-premise, cloud-based, and hybrid.

Cloud ERP

Cloud-based ERP deployment is when the ERP system is hosted by a third-party provider. This type of deployment is becoming more popular, as it can be less expensive than on-premise deployment and it doesn't require the company to have its own IT staff. However, it can be less secure than on-premise deployment, as the company's data is stored off-site.

On Premise ERP

On-premise ERP deployment is when the ERP system is installed and run on the company's own servers. This is the most traditional type of deployment, and it gives the company the most control over the system. However, it also requires the company to have its own IT staff to manage the system, which can be costly.

Hybrid ERP

Hybrid ERP deployment is a mix of on-premise and cloud-based deployment. This type of deployment can give the company the best of both worlds: the security and control of on-premise deployment, with the cost savings and flexibility of cloud-based deployment.

ERP at any size: What are my options?

Small Business ERP

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to enterprise resource planning (ERP) for small businesses. The type of ERP system that is right for your company depends on a number of factors, including the size and structure of your business, your industry, and your specific business needs. The most important objective of a small business is to improve revenue and cash flow, and any ERP that is implemented must help businesses become more efficient and productive by saving costs and enabling businesses to increase revenue.

ERP can also help small businesses make better decisions by providing accurate and up-to-date information. Many businesses do not have an accurate picture of what goes on in their business, and an ideal ERP like Deskera provides real time visibility into business operations. Smaller organizations could make do with a limited set of functionality, and consider using Deskera, Katana, QuickBooks, Freshworks, or other alternatives. Most of these software seek to address a specific problem, and are highly vertical focused (as an example, QuickBooks only does accounting) Deskera: Deskera is a cloud-based ERP software system that is suitable for small businesses.

It is easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere, making it ideal for businesses with remote or mobile employees. Deskera includes modules for accounting, inventory, customers, sales, and projects. It also offers a range of reports and analytics, and users can customize the software to suit their specific needs. Katana: Katana is a cloud-based ERP software package that includes all the features you need to manage your business, including accounting, CRM, inventory, project management, and more. Freshworks: Freshworks is another popular cloud-based ERP software package. It includes all the basics, like accounting, CRM, and inventory management, but also has some unique features, like a help desk and customer service software

Mid Market ERP

A medium sized business has different needs from a small business. In a medium sized business, business processes are more defined, there is usually basic software running that helps managers make decisions, and operational processes are half automated or processed by a third party. When it comes to choosing the right ERP software solution for a medium-sized business, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the ERP software solution should be scalable, so that it can grow with the business.

Second, the ERP software solution should be easy to use and deploy, so that it doesn’t cause any disruptions to the business. Third, the ERP software solution should be affordable, so that it doesn’t strain the business’s budget. With those things in mind, here are a few examples of ERP software solutions that would be a good fit for a medium-sized business:

SAP Business One:

SAP Business One is a scalable and affordable ERP software solution that is designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses. It is easy to use and deploy, and it comes with a wide range of features, including finance, accounting, CRM, and supply chain management.


Deskera is a cloud-based ERP software solution that is suitable for businesses of all sizes. It is easy to use and deploy, and it comes with a wide range of features, including finance, accounting, HR, and supply chain management.

Infor CloudSuite:

Infor CloudSuite is a scalable and affordable ERP software solution that is designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses. It is easy to use and deploy, and it comes with a wide range of features, including finance, accounting, CRM, and supply chain management.

Enterprise ERP

The task of choosing an ERP system for an enterprise is a daunting one. The task of choosing an ERP system for an enterprise is a daunting one. With so many options on the market, and the high cost of ERP implementations, it is important to carefully consider all options before making a decision. Here are some examples of Enterprise Scale ERP solutions:


Netsuite is a cloud-based ERP solution that offers a complete suite of business applications, including financials, CRM, ecommerce, and inventory management. Netsuite is suitable for businesses of all sizes.


Deskera is a cloud-based ERP software that helps organizations manage their finances, inventory, manufacturing, supply chain, and project management in a single, integrated system. Deskera is a popular choice for large enterprises that need a comprehensive and centralized ERP solution

Microsoft Dynamics:

Microsoft Dynamics is a family of ERP and CRM solutions that are available in both on-premise and cloud-based deployments. Dynamics offers a comprehensive set of business applications, including financial management, supply chain management, and customer relationship management.

Infor 10x:

Infor 10x, is a cloud-based ERP solution that offers financial management, supply chain management, and customer relationship management capabilities.

See how Deskera can help you better optimize business operations.

What is an ERP example?

A good example of an ERP software is Deskera. Deskera is a cloud-based ERP software system that offers a comprehensive suite of business applications, including financials, CRM, eCommerce and manufacturing. Deskera is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

One of the main advantages of Deskera is that it is an all-in-one solution that can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of your business. It is also highly scalable, so it can grow with your business. Another advantage of Deskera is that it is cloud-based, so it can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, from your mobile phone, or from your web browser. Some other ERP providers include Netsuite, SAP, Infor, and Microsoft Dynamics

What is the main goal of ERP?

The main goal of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is to provide an integrated system that helps organizations to manage their business processes more efficiently. ERP software typically includes modules for financials, human resources, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and manufacturing.

ERP systems can be used to track and manage all aspects of an organization’s business processes, from customer orders and invoicing to inventory levels and manufacturing processes. By integrating all of these processes into a single system, ERP software can provide organizations with a real-time view of their business, which can help them to make better informed decisions.

Deskera takes this a step further by integrating all your business verticals, and providing an integrated dashboard to view your business operations in real time

What is the history of ERP systems?

The history of ERP systems can be traced back to the early days of mainframe computing, when large organizations began to develop in-house software systems to run their businesses. These early systems were typically designed to support a specific department or function, such as accounting and inventory management. As organizations grew, they began to realize the benefits of sharing data and information across departments. This led to the development of ERP systems, which integrated the main functional areas of an organization into a single system.

In the 1980s, the concept of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems began to take shape. These systems were designed to provide a comprehensive view of an organization’s resources and to manage those resources in a more efficient and effective manner.

Early ERP systems were typically large, monolithic software packages that were very expensive to purchase and implement. These systems were also difficult to customize and often required organizations to change their business processes to fit the system. Despite these challenges, ERP systems became increasingly popular in the 1980s as organizations recognized the benefits of having a centralized, integrated view of their resources.

The first ERP systems were developed in the early 1990s and were mainly used by large organizations. The early ERP systems were complex and expensive to implement and maintain, which made them inaccessible to many small and medium-sized organizations. However, the development of more user-friendly and affordable ERP systems in the late 1990s made ERP a viable option for small and medium-sized organizations.

What is CRM vs ERP?

The difference between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) software is often confusing to small business owners. Here’s a brief explanation of each type of software and how it can help your business. ERP software is designed to help businesses manage their core operations, such as accounting, inventory, and order fulfillment. ERP systems typically include modules for financials, manufacturing, supply chain management, and human resources. ERP software can be used by businesses of all sizes, but is typically most beneficial to larger organizations with complex operations. An example of ERP software is Deskera. CRM software, on the other hand, is focused on helping businesses manage their customer relationships. CRM systems typically include modules for sales force automation, marketing, customer service, and analytics. CRM software can be used by businesses of all sizes, but is typically most beneficial to small and medium-sized businesses that need to better manage their customer interactions. An example of CRM software is Salesforce.

So, which type of software is right for your business? If you’re not sure, the best way to decide is to speak with a Deskera consultant who can help you assess your needs and recommend the best solution for your business.

Is ERP a database?

When it comes to software that helps organizations keep track of their data, there are two main types: enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and databases. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the difference between the two before choosing which one is right for your organization.

Databases are designed to store data in a structured way. This means that data is organized into tables and fields, and it can be accessed using specific commands. This structure makes databases ideal for storing large amounts of data that need to be accessed quickly. However, because data is stored in a structured way, it can be difficult to make changes to the data without changing the structure of the database.

ERP software, on the other hand, is designed to manage business processes. This means that data is stored in a more flexible way, and it can be accessed using a range of different tools. This flexibility makes ERP software ideal for organizations that need to be able to quickly adapt to changing business needs. However, because data is stored in a more flexible way, it can be difficult to keep track of all the data that is stored in an ERP system.

Both ERP software and databases have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to understand the difference between the two before choosing which one is right for your organization.

What is the total cost of implementing ERP?

The cost of an ERP implementation can be broken down into three main categories:

Software costs:

The cost of the ERP software itself is typically the largest upfront cost associated with an ERP implementation. ERP software packages can range in price from a few thousand dollars to several million dollars, depending on the size and complexity of the business

Consulting and services costs:

In addition to the cost of the software, businesses will also need to budget for professional consulting and services costs. These costs can include project management, business analysis, system customization, data conversion, training, and support.

Hardware costs:

Depending on the size of the business and the specific ERP software package being implemented, businesses may also need to purchase new hardware to support the ERP system. This can include servers, storage, and networking equipment.

The total cost of an ERP implementation can vary widely, depending on the specific needs of the business. However, most businesses can expect to invest several hundred thousand dollars into their ERP project.

If the ERP software you choose is not integrated, the cost of implementing ERP is very high because you would need to implement solutions for each of your business verticals. Implementing an integrated ERP solution like Deskera can save a business significant implementation costs.

How does the right ERP software improve an organization’s productivity?

The right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software can help any organization improve its productivity. Instead of keeping track of inventory in a handful of different spreadsheets, a great ERP offers a single data source of truth. Most ERP solutions offer a dashboard that showcases inventory, payments, returns and order information in one place:

By automating processes and integrating data from different departments, ERP software can help organizations streamline their operations. One of the most efficient automations in Deskera is the ability to automate recurring invoices:

Instead of relying on your calendar to remember to send an invoice each month; our ERP software will send it on your behalf. This workflow automation is a great way to increase productivity and maximize profitability.

In addition, ERP software can help organizations keep track of their inventory, customers, and suppliers. By having all of this information in one place, organizations can make better decisions and improve their overall efficiency.

Organizations that implement ERP software often see a significant increase in their productivity. In fact, a recent study found that organizations that use ERP software can see an increase in their productivity of up to 20%. This increase in productivity can help organizations save time and money. In addition, ERP software can help organizations improve their customer service. By having all of the information about a customer in one place, organizations can provide better service and resolve issues more quickly.

What is the future of ERP software?

The future of enterprise resource planning systems is shrouded in potential but fraught with uncertainty. The next generation of ERP systems will be more user-friendly and intuitive, with better support for mobile devices and cloud-based deployments. They will be more flexible and adaptable, able to integrate with a wider range of business applications. And they will be more intelligent, with embedded analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities.

But it is also unclear how quickly these advances will come to market, and whether they will be enough to offset the challenges posed by the rise of Industry 4.0. In particular, the increasing use of data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning could lead to a new wave of ERP systems that are even more sophisticated and specialized.

The most immediate change on the horizon for ERP systems is a shift to the cloud. Although on-premise deployments are still common, an increasing number of organizations are moving to cloud-based solutions. This trend is being driven by the need for greater flexibility and agility, as well as the desire to reduce IT costs.

The cloud also enables new deployment models, such as software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). These models offer the potential for significant cost savings, as well as the ability to scale ERP systems up or down as needed. In the long term, the most significant change for ERP systems is likely to be the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies are already being used in a number of industries to automate tasks and improve decision-making.

For example, AI can be used to automatically generate reports, identify patterns in data, and make recommendations for process improvements. Machine learning can be used to improve the accuracy of predictions, such as demand forecasting.

AI and machine learning will have a major impact on the future of ERP systems. These technologies have the potential to make ERP systems more user-friendly and efficient, as well as to improve their ability to support the ever-changing needs of businesses.

What areas of a business are impacted by an ERP?

There are a few key areas of a business that are impacted by an ERP system:

Accounting and finance :

An ERP system can automate the tasks of invoicing, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. This can save businesses a significant amount of time and money. In addition, by consolidating all of their financial data into one system, businesses can get a better overview of their financial situation and make more informed decisions about their finances.


An ERP system can help businesses keep track of their inventory levels and product demand. By having this information readily available, businesses can avoid stock outs and lost sales. In addition, an ERP system can help businesses optimize their inventory levels to save on storage costs.

Customer relationship management (CRM):

An ERP system can help businesses manage their customer relationships more effectively. By consolidating customer data into one system, businesses can get a better understanding of their customers’ needs and preferences. This information can then be used to improve customer service and target marketing efforts.

Human resources:

An ERP system can help businesses manage their human resources more effectively. By consolidating employee data into one system, businesses can get a better understanding of their workforce. This information can then be used to improve employee productivity and retention.

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At GoDo, we understand that managing our finances and customer relationships is essential for our success. Deskera has provided us with an easy to use and intuitive platform that has enabled us to access our financial data, track customer relationships, and manage our finances with ease. We have been able to streamline our processes, better manage our finances, and stay on top of our customer relationships. We highly recommend Deskera to any business that is looking to stay organized and efficient.

Wesley Wright

CEO, GoDo Life

We are extremely pleased with our decision to switch to Deskera and have seen a significant improvement in our business operations since making the switch. The sales process was smooth from start to finish and customer support at every step of the implementation was stellar. Highly recommend Deskera to those looking for a great ERP solution.

Wally Mears

CEO, The Jungle

We implemented Deskera's integrated platform to improve our procurement and inventory management processes to streamline our operations and improve efficiencies. I highly recommend their platform to any company looking to accelerate their growth.

Scott Phetsalod

Laboratory Manager

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