Inventory Pricing

Set accurate inventory prices quickly and easily. Automate pricing calculations based on cost, markup and sales prices. Make pricing changes on the fly and ensure profitability.

Gain control over your inventory pricing with Deskera ERP's Inventory Pricing feature. Streamline the pricing process, ensure pricing accuracy, and get access to powerful pricing analytics. Automate pricing strategies and build a competitive advantage by tracking the prices of competitors. Adopt a global pricing strategy and take advantage of a unified pricing model.

Factory and warehouse workers can easily maintain accurate and up-to-date pricing information for their products, track and adjust prices based on demand and availability, customize pricing rules based on different customer segments, and gain insights into the performance of their products.

Set different pricing levels for different customers, better meet their needs and build stronger relationships. Use bulk discounts and special pricing options to incentivize larger orders and reward loyal customers.

Key Features of Inventory Pricing
with Deskera ERP.

Set Minimum Price for Products

Establish a minimum price for each product to ensure profitability and cash flow

Automate Price Adjustment

Automate price adjustments to keep up with market demand and reduce manual labor

Track Price Variations

Monitor price variations over time to identify trends and optimize inventory pricing

Generate Price Lists

Generate price lists to compare product pricing and identify pricing anomalies

Estimate Price Changes

Estimate price changes to anticipate the impact on profitability and cash flow

Set Price Rules

Set price rules to ensure consistency in pricing and optimize inventory turnover

Analyze Profitability

Analyze profitability of inventory pricing strategies to make informed decisions

Reevaluate Price Points

Reevaluate price points to maximize sales and minimize losses

Establish Price Tiers

Establish price tiers to differentiate products and capture different customer segments

Utilize Price Forecasting

Utilize price forecasting to anticipate market trends and adjust pricing accordingly

Run Your Business with Deskera

Deskera Inventory Pricing