Chat Widget

Integrate a customer chat widget to facilitate customer communication. Allow customers to ask questions and receive answers in real-time and directly. Make customer service faster and more efficient by providing a seamless communication experience.

Streamline customer service and improve engagement with a powerful, secure, and integrated communication platform. Keep customers informed and get feedback quickly. Automate customer interactions and provide instant responses. Keep conversations organized and get up-to-date insights on customer conversations. Improve customer satisfaction and build long-term relationships. Resolve customer issues efficiently and keep customers up-to-date with the latest information. Leverage customer data to create personalized experiences.

Enable customers to purchase products more quickly.

Facilitate customer queries and provide answers in real-time.

Increase customer satisfaction with a personalized approach.

Key Features of Chat Widget
with Deskera ERP.

Enable Chat Widgets

Quickly and easily integrate chat widgets for improved customer interaction

Configure Chat Widget Settings

Customize the look and feel of the chat widget

Manage Chat Widgets

Monitor and manage the conversation between customers and agents to ensure the highest quality of service

Automate Responses

Automatically respond to common customer inquiries with pre-configured messages to save time

Monitor Conversations

Keep track of customer conversations and feedback to identify trends and areas of improvement

Create Custom Widgets

Design and implement custom chat widgets to meet specific customer needs

Integrate with Other Systems

Connect the chat widget to other software systems to provide customers with quick and seamless service

Analyze Chat Interactions

Analyze customer interactions to generate insights about customer behavior and preferences

Provide Support

Provide real-time support to customers by directing them to the appropriate resources

Run Your Business with Deskera

Deskera Chat Widget