Do you know that all employers in Odisha/Orissa must file Orissa form 13 combined annual returns to the labor department as directed under the Orissa Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1958?
Besides giving the details of the entity, kind of business, and the owner, the shop or commercial establishment, under the Orissa, form 13 combined annual returns need to report the exact number of employees working in the establishment or store, the particulars of deduction made from salary (wages) under M.W., and P.W. Act., any payment of bonus paid during the year, the particulars of earned leave with wages and national festival holidays with wages.
It also has to report whether welfare measures are provided to the employees or not. Other important details reported in Orissa form 13 combined annual returns include particulars of accidents, man’s days lost, and any maternity provided to women.
An appointed arbitrator can check this reporting, and all details should be attached along with verification documents for audit and compliance.
Here's what the article covers:
- About the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns under Orissa Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1958
- Components of Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
- Orissa form 13 combined annual returns - Conclusion
- Orissa form 13 combined annual returns - Key Takeaways
About the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns under Orissa Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1958
The Orissa Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1958, and its regulations apply to all business and commercial facilities throughout Orissa. This law aims to protect the rights of workers. The law includes wage payments, working conditions, working hours, breaks, overtime, opening and closing hours, holidays, leaves, vacations, maternity leave and welfare, working conditions, rules regarding the employment of children, record keeping, etc. A mandate included under this regulation is Orissa form 13 combined annual returns, which specified specific details and yearly returns as claimed by the employer.
The primary motive of the act is to ensure that workers are dealt with fairly and returns, bonuses, leaves, and the rights of workers are compensated as per the given law, which can be evident from the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns.
Components of Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
Let us look at the Components of Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
1. General Particulars of the employer/establishment
The Orissa form 13 combined annual returns includes information regarding the shop or establishment with the following details:
It is important to note down the name and full address of the establishment or factory and include other details like building, constructions, and motor transport undertakings. Other minor details about the business should also be notified like:
- Factory/Establishment Regd.
- Name of the office
- Address
- Contact details :-
- Fax:-
- E-mail:-
- Website:-
(b) You must note down the name and address of the occupier, proprietor, or the head/director of the firm along with other details like:
• Name
• Father’s Name
• Designation
• Residential Address
• Other contact details
(c) Name and Address of the person who is responsible for carrying out day-to-day transactions and controls of the business.
- Name
- Address
- Contact details
(d) Name and address of the occupier, as named under the Factories Act, 1948.
- Name
- Designation
- Residential Address
- Tel/Mobile/E-mail
2(A) The employer must specify the Nature/Type of Industries/Establishments in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
2(B) The employer needs to record the Particulars of Products Manufactured/Services Rendered in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
- Name of the Product/Services
- Annual Installed Capacity
- Quantity Manufactured
- Percentage Achieved
- Value
3. The Registration and License Regn. No. and License No. should be specified by the employer in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns as stated under the following laws and acts:
(a) Factories Act, 1948
(b) Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970
(c) O.S and C.E. Act, 1956
(d) ISMW (R&CE) Act, 1979
(e) M.T.W. Act, 1961
(f) Building and Other Construction Workers (RECS) Act, 1996
4. The employer needs to give a detailed about the number of Workmen/Employees employed in his shop or establishment belonging to all categories in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns like:
- Unskilled
- Semi-Skilled
- Skilled
- Highly Skilled
- ITI/Diploma
- Degree-Engg
- Executive
- Probationer/Trainees
5. Particulars of Employment / Payment in Factories / Estates. / Motor Transport Undertakings / Building Construction of Work should be shared in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns:
- The number of people who are on the wage roll on 1st January
- The number of people who are on the wage roll on 31st December
- The number of days that the work is carried on - valid for factory, establishment and real estate, building, and other construction duties
- The number of days that the Factory Closed
- Number of man-days worked during the year
- Number of man-hours worked, including overtime during the year
- Total Amount of salary/wage paid, including overtime, wages & allowances
(b) Average Number of the employed strength that includes the total number of men and women working
(c) The total number of employees who have been dismissed, have resigned, terminated, or retired during the year
6. The employer must share particulars of deduction made from salary (wages) under M.W. and P.W. Act. in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
- No of the employees involved
- The total amount of deduction made
- Fines
- Damages/Loss
- Breach of Contract
- Others
- Total
In respect of the Factories Act / Orissa Shops & Commercial Establishment Act,1956/Orissa Industrial Establishment (National & Festival) Holidays Act,1972.
7. The employer needs to give details about the particulars of Earned Leave with Wages / National Festival Holidays with Wages - Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
- Total No of Persons employed
- No of the employees eligible for earned leave
- No of the employees availed/granted Earned Leave
- No of the employees paid wages/salary instead of earned leave
- No. of Persons who were paid wages for the NFIT(separate figure for each day may be furnished)
- Men: 26th January: 1 set May: 15th August: 2nd October
- Women: 26th January: 1st May: 15th August: 2nd October
8. Payment of Bonus paid during the year should be specified in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns with details like:
- Name of the accounting year
- Total No of employees
- No employees eligible for a Bonus
- Percentage of Bonus/ Ex gratia declared
- The total amount of Bonus/ Ex gratia paid
- Date of Payment
9. The employer needs to share the following information relating to the Factories Act - Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
Does the Factory carry on the hazardous process under section-2(cd) dangerous operation U/s 87 of Factories Act? 1948. Yes/ No
If Yes
(i) Whether Health and Safety Policy prepared and published Yes / No
(ii) Whether occupational Health Centre provided Yes / No
(iii) Whether Medical Officer appointed Yes / No
(iv) Whether Ambulance Van provided Yes / No
(v) Average no. of persons employed daily in hazardous process /dangerous operation.
10. The employer must share details in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns about the Safety and Welfare Officers:—
(a) Number of Officers to be appointed
(b) Number of Officers appointed
(i) Safety Officers as per Sec-40(B) of Factories Act.
(ii) Welfare Officers as per Sec-49 of the Factories Act.
(b) Whether the following Welfare measures provided?
(i) Ambulance Room as per Sec-45(A) Yes / No
(ii) Canteen as per Sec-46(I) Yes / No
(iii) Whether the canteen is run departmentally or through a contractor departmentally / Contractor
(iv) Creche as per Sec- 48(i) Yes / No
(v) Shelters, Rest Rooms, and Lunch Room as per Sec-47(I) Yes / No
11. All particulars of Accidents, Man’s days lost and others should be reported in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns:—
(i) Total number of accidents that have taken place in the year.
(ii) Number of employees involved in such accidents
(iii) Total number of man-days lost in such accident
(iv) Number of employees who returned to work within 48 hours of the accident
(v) Number of employees returned to work after 48 hours of the accident
(a) workers who did not suffer Permanent /Partial/ Total Disablement
(b) workers who suffered Permanent / Partial / Total Disablement
(vi) Number of employees involved in accidents either immediately or later within 7 days resulted in death.
12. All details related to the Maternity Benefit Act 12 should be shared by the employer in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
(a) Rating to Maternity Benefits:—
(i) Total number of women workers who worked for 160 days in the last 12 months immediately before their delivery date.
(ii) number of women workers discharged/dismissed in the last 12 months.
(iii) number of women workers for whom pre-natal confinement and post-natal confinement.
(iv) number of women workers who died before delivery or after delivery
(b) Leave / additional leave details:—
Item No. of women applied for leave
Leave sanctioned/Leave rejected
i)Mis-carriage ii) Illness(additional under sec-10)
(c) Maternity Benefit Paid:— No. of claims received No. of leave sanctioned No. of claims rejected Total benefit paid in rupees) Confinement ii) Miscarriage iii) Illness iv) Medical Bureaus
13. Rating to Contract Labour (R&A) Act 13 should be mentioned in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
(a)Contractor Labour Name & Address of the Contractor / Contractors
- Period of contract specifying the from and till dates
- Nature of work or operation in which contract labor was employed Deptt.
- Number of a person employed
- Maximum number of contract workman employed on any day during
- No. of days worked
- No. of man-days worked
(b) Whether a contract has been provided?
(i) Canteen Yes / No.
(ii) Rest Room Yes / No.
(iii) Drinking Water Yes / No.
(iv) Creche Yes / No.
(v) First-Aid Yes / No.
(vi) Remarks Yes / No.
14. Relating to Building and Other Construction Workers (RE & CS) Act - Orissa form 13 combined annual returns:
The particular accident that took place during the year:—
(i) The total No. of an accident.
(ii) The number of accidents resulting in the disablement of building workers for less than 48 hours, the number of building workers involved, and the number of man-days lost.
(iii) The number of accidents resulting in the disablement of building workers beyond 48 hours, but not resulting in any permanent, partial, or permanent total disablement, the number of building workers involved, and the number of man-days lost on account of such accident.
(iv) The number of accidents resulting in partial, permanent, or complete disablement, the number of building workers involved, and the number of man-days lost on account of such accidents.
(v) The number of accidents resulting in building workers' deaths and the number of resultant deaths.
15. INTER-STATE MIGRANT WORKING (RE & CS) ACT - Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
In respect of the Principal Employer should be revealed by the employer in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns:—
(i) Number of contractors who worked in the establishment during the year with details.
- Name and Address of the Contractor
- Period of Contract Nature of work
- Maximum number of workers supplied by each contractor
- Number of days worked
- Number of man-days worked (From/To)
16. Beedi and Cigar Workers (Condition of Employment) Act, 1966 details to be shared - Orissa form 13 combined annual returns:—
(i) Average number of employees employed daily in the Industrial Premises
(ii) Average monthly number of homeworkers employed (i.e. who work in their homes)
(iii) Number of days worked in the year in the industrial establishment.
(iv) Number of employees who were granted leave during the calendar year.
Young persons
(a) who are working as employees in the Industries Premises
(b) who are working as employees at home
Other than young Persons
(a) who are working as employees in the Industrial Premises
(b) who are employed at home
(v) Number of female employees who were granted the maternity benefit during the year (Industrial Premises/employed in home)
Orissa form 13 combined annual returns - Conclusion
The Orissa form 13 combined annual returns is to file a record of any benefit provided to the workforce of a shop or a commercial establishment as specified under the Odisha Shops act 1956. This form assesses the initiative taken by establishments to work towards the holistic welfare of the workers if proper facilities are provided to them if any bonuses or wages are given out and whether the leaves that they deserve and have earned, are given to the employees. So cumulatively, maintaining a record of Orissa form 13 combined annual returns gives the compliance and audit department a fair view of the actions and initiatives taken by the employer.
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Orissa form 13 combined annual returns - Key Takeaways
- The Orissa form 13 combined annual returns is an essential component of the Odisha Shops act 1956
- All employers must file Form 13 - Combined annual returns to the labour department.
- The main components of the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns are the number of employees, the particulars of deduction made from salary (wages), any payment of bonus paid during the year, the particulars of earned leave with wages, and national festival holidays given out to the employees with wages
- The form can be duly checked and verified by an appointed arbitrator so all employers should maintain a proper record of the same
- The welfare section of the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns specifies what kind of welfare activities have been provided by the employers to their workers
- Special mention of maternity, and leave benefits for women has importance in the Orissa form 13 combined annual returns
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