How do I edit, change, and delete Teams in Deskera CRM?

The next step you will need to know after creating a Team is how to edit, change, and delete teams.

There are two layouts that you can choose to view a team - horizontal design, and the card view layout.

For the horizontal layout

Click on the edit icon to change the team's name or add more members

You can refer to the steps below on how to edit, change, and delete a team:

  1. Select 'Team' under Settings on the left side menu. You will see the lists of teams you created horizontally.
  2. Click on the checkbox of the team you wish to edit or delete. Do note that you cannot delete the default team from the system.
  3. If you click on the Edit button, you can update the team's name and choose to add or remove the members in the team.

For the card view layout

Edit the team using the card view layout
  1. Click on the Team itself to Edit the Team's name or the members in it by clicking on the team card.
  2. Select the checkbox on the top right-hand side of the Team card and click the Delete icon to remove the Team.