How do I create a Tracked Product?

  1. To create a Product, access Products Master via the Products tab and click +Add.
  2. Under General > Type, select Tracked.
  3. Fill in the name of the Product. It is optional to fill in the Description and Barcode fields. You can also choose to upload a product image.
  4. Under the Buy and Sell sections, you may fill in the details of the cost of the Product when you bought it from your supplier and the price of the Product at which it is to be sold to the customer, respectively.
  5. Under Tracked Product, you need to fill in the unit of measurement used for your Product, and the accounts involved for inventory management.
  6. Opening Balance requires you to indicate the Opening Quantity (starting amount of your product stock) and the Opening Valuation (the total cost of opening quantity at the time of purchase).
  7. To finish creating your Tracked Product, click on Save.