How can I create a new account in Deskera People

  1. Click on the Sign up now icon
  2. To create an account with your work email, fill in the details, work email id, and contact number OR you can also create an account by clicking on the ‘Sign up with Google’
  3. Lastly, click on “ Create Account “ for account creation

Once the account is created you can sign up using below details,

  1. Fill in your email and password you’ve registered with us.
  2. You can choose to log in with your work ID and password
  3. Click on the ‘Sign-in’ button to continue to your account.
  4. You can also sign up with your current google account.

You also have an option to sign for Deskera People  via ERP web, by clicking on the switch to option available on the bottom side of the sidebar menu

Also, there is another way to sign in for Deskera people, by clicking on the home icon, a window will appear where you can see all available Deskera Apps. Click on the Deskera people tab which will direct you to the sign-in page.