How can I add employee details in Deskera People

  1. Click on the Employees option located on the left side of the main dashboard

2. Then, click on the ‘+Add Employee’ button, and below employee, details form will pop up where the user/admin can add information. You need to fill in the mandatory fields before starting the payroll.

3. Next, you need to add the component details as per the components added to the system.

You can add the amount in front of each component as per applicability and also if any component is not applicable you have an option to delete it by clicking on the Bin icon.

If any component is not available, you have an option to add it, by clicking on the +Assign Component button.

After filling in all the details on the right side of the screen you can also view employees compensation summary information, components details, Total estimated salary

Lastly, once all the information is filled and verified click on the Save button to add the employee to the list and will be viewed on the employee module screen.